*What You Need To Know About $€X and Moaning*

What You Need To Know About $€X and Moaning.

One of the way of showing satisfaction during the sexual intercourse is moaning. Moaning is actually a vocal expression of sexual pleasure.

Moaning motivates and encourages your spouse to press further, put in more energy and to keep on doing what he / she is doing to give pleasure.

The more sweater the pleasure, the more passionate the moaning.

The partners must pay adequate attention to spouse’s moaning. When you hear your spouse moaning and moaning more while doing it, keep on doing that act more.

Moaning is like a tip, a guide to knowing how extent your spouse is please and enjoying it.

The partner should not just surrender and lay lifeless , soundless, motionless in bed when your spouse is having an affair with you. It shows that you are not interested and not good on bed

Most of the sweet names you call your spouse when not in love making such as sweetheart, dearly, honey, Ademi, Ayomi, my heart, my life, mine, ife, ifemi, Babe ,…. don’t only use them outside love making, but also use them when sex is ongoing. Show your spouse that you value him / her for more than orgasm .

Most partners use colourful words during moaning such as ”F*CK me hard , Gooood, Ookkk, Yeesss, Thannnk you ” If you have such colourful spouse, he/ she is not just saying anything. That is not the time to be a Grammer police , your spouse is just feeling really good……..

Happy day to you all readers

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