*Man Bags Life Imprisonment Over Second-Hand Phone – Details …*

*Man Bags Life Imprisonment Over Second-Hand Phone – Read Details*

A man has been sentenced to life imprisonment over a second-hand phone given to him by his friend.

Musa Mukanga, the Kenyan man, narrated his story after he was handed a life sentence.

Musa’s ordeal reportedly began on September 2nd, 2013, when a friend entrusted him with a mobile phone.

Unbeknownst to Musa, the device has been linked to a criminal act. Naively trusting in his friend’s intentions, he inserted his SIM card and entered his PIN, only to find the phone abruptly shutting down due to low battery.

While looking for solution, he took the device to his sister’s hotel for charging, with the intention to retrieve it the next morning before heading to work.

Upon attempting to unlock the device, he realized he lacked the necessary password, rendering it inaccessible.

According to report, while Musa was In a bid to resolve the issue, he entrusted the phone to his sister, instructing her to return it to his friend, Ng’ang’a, upon his arrival.

Tragically, a week later, the man found himself confronted by law enforcement officers who promptly arrested him, demanding an explanation regarding the phone in his possession.

The innocent Man was confused and unaware of the gravity of the situation as he divulged the circumstances surrounding the phone, unwittingly implicating himself and his friend.

Subsequently, both Musa and Ng’ang’a were arrested. Tragically, Ng’ang’a, upon interrogation, admitted to providing Musa with the contentious phone.

Despite Musa’s pleas of innocence and his lack of awareness regarding the phone’s questionable origins, the justice system persisted in its course, sentencing him to death, a penalty later reduced to a life term.

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