*Controversial LGBTQ Rights In SAMOA Agreement, NBA Makes Clarification- Details*

Controversial LGBTQ Rights In SAMOA Agreement, NBA Makes Clarification- Details.

It was reliably gathered that the Nigerian Bar Association NBA has clarified the ongoing controversy surrounding the Samoa agreement, stating that Nigeria does not recognise same-sex marriage.

Yakubu Maikyau, the NBA president stated this in a statement released on Monday.

Maikyau reiterated that, contrary to widespread belief, there is no provision in the agreement requiring Nigeria to accept LGBTQ or gay rights as a pre-condition for a $150bn loan.

He said “Instead, the agreement was expressly made subject to the local laws and the sovereignty of the contracting Nations”.

“That is to say, the SAMOA agreement recognises, for instance, Nigeria’s Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act, 2023, and of course, the Supremacy of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).”

“To avoid any doubt, the SAMOA agreement does not, in any way, seek to compromise our existing legislations nor undermine the sovereignty of Nigeria”.

“Before the signing of the SAMOA agreement, the Hon. Minister of Budget and Economic Planning requested the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), as a major stakeholder in the polity, to look at the agreement”.

“Consequently, I constituted a committee chaired by Mr. Olawale Fapohunda, SAN, former Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Ekiti State, and Chairman of the NBA Law Reform Committee, to vet, evaluate, and advise on the agreement accordingly.”

It was reported that the SAMOA Agreement, named after the country of Samoa where it was signed, is a broad legal framework between the European Union member states and over half of the 79 members of the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS).

The agreement serves as a basis for negotiating specific agreements between the EU, the Federal Government of Nigeria, its sub-nationals, and the private sector.

According to journalists report on Tuesday, the agreement covers six main areas: democracy and human rights, sustainable economic growth and development, climate change, human and social development, peace and security, and migration and mobility.

Meanwhile, Maikyau has called on the government to continue public enlightenment efforts and urged other stakeholders to join in countering the negative perception being promoted about the agreement.

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